岡山大学 理学部


講演会のお知らせ (11/21: Prof. Morten Ring Eskildsen
Department of Physics, University of Notre Dame )


演題:「Vortex lattice anisotropy and pairing symmetry of Sr2RuO4
講師: Prof. Morten Ring Eskildsen
Department of Physics, University of Notre Dame
日時:11月21日 16:30-17:30
場所:コラボレーション棟3階 コラボレーション室
 Despite intense studies the exact nature of the order parameter in superconducting Sr2RuO4 has remained elusive. Multiple experimental and theoretical studies provide compelling support for triplet pairing and an odd-parity, p-wave order parameter symmetry. At the same time, seemingly contradictory experimental results have left important open questions concerning the detailed structure and coupling of the orbital and spin parts of the order parameter. One example of this predicament is conflicting evidence as to whether the p-wave order parameter is chiral.
Here we present the results of small-angle neutron scattering studies of the vortex lattice in Sr2RuO4 with the field applied close to the crystalline basal plane. Taking advantage of the transverse magnetization in this highly anisotropic superconductor, we were able to measure the vortex lattice anisotropy as a function of the field angle. From the measurements we were able to determine the intrinsic superconducting anisotropy between the c-axis and the Ru-O basal planes (~60), which greatly exceeds the upper critical field anisotropy (~20). This imposes significant constraints on possible models of triplet pairing in Sr2RuO4 and raises questions concerning the direction of the zero spin projection axis.

問い合わせ先:物理学科 市岡 (内線7806)
